Bryce Main

It’s good to talk.

Many years ago I saw an ad on the box for the telecommunications giant BT. It starred the late, versatile and very talented actor Bob Hoskins. Lots of words came out of his mouth during the ad. But the four I remember the most were these; “It’s good to talk.” I agree. That’s why, in this comments section, you can talk to me about any of my books.

I promise I’ll do my best to hear what you have to say.

Because it’s also good to listen.



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Bryce Main
1 year ago

Speaking as the guy whose ugly mush is on the front page of this website, I’d just like to say that I’m well chuffed with the design, the layout, the photos, and the words. It really is the dog’s bollocks. Well, it would be if it had any…

Stockport Manchester [email protected]